Monday, February 21, 2011

i love salsa. i will put salsa on anything...most recently, the eggs with cheddar cheese that i made this morning.

the only problem with this combination is that eggs have a surprisingly high "points" value, unless you eat only the egg whites...and i can't stand eggs without the yokes. solutions, anyone?


  1. Egg beaters! I use them because I can't eat an entire dozen eggs before they start to get less tasty. Plus they're lower in cholesterol and my roommates are less likely to steal them, so I can count on them being there.

  2. Also, I love that picture of you with the salsa.

  3. i wish there were a wegman's in cleveland for you to try, because that salsa is the BEST grocery-bought salsa i have ever had

  4. eggs rule! i know that doesn't help ur problem, but god damn i love eggs haha

  5. Being a herbivore, I usually like to eat my eggs with things like twigs, roots, bark, and shoots of woody plants. So maybe those will make the whites taste better?
