Friday, March 18, 2011

why being home sucks for weight loss

sorry for the delay--I wrote many drafts, but didn't feel like posting any of them. In major news, I've attended two Weight Watchers meetings in the flesh, and I'm really enjoying it. Plus, it works.

But for the present, I'm facing a serious dilemma: being in Cleveland. I love being home, seeing friends, and taking time to relax...but I realize now how different my lifestyle here is from my lifestyle in Ithaca, where I can't eat all of my parents food and go out to eat with friends all the time. I've been compensating with working out, but the harsh truth of losing weight is that working out can only do so much, and it takes a whole lot of working out to undo eating something you regret.

On the other hand, it has been great to get back to the gym. I took a serious break from working out steadily in recent months, but this week has reminded me how necessary exercise has been for my weight loss. I've been mixing it up a lot--running, biking, and the elliptical this week--and I think that variety might be the key to staying moving. I was very sore yesterday, but I simply took a rest day and got back to work today. I have a very good feeling about this.

Other than that, break has been good--can't believe I got to see so many of my homies-- but I'm equally excited to get back to Ithaca to enjoy the springtime scenery and the stars. Hopefully the snow will be melted so I can maybe, just maybe, go for a walk outside without worrying about ice.



  1. Ah, yes -- the thrills of busting your ass on the ice. All I can say on that is that I thank god there's not a video camera outside of Boothroyd. Here's to spring (and stars) in Ithaca.

    Incidentally, when my friend Morgan got back from London, she told me that I commented on her blog more than either of her parents. You may have this to look forward to from me, until Public Safety delivers the cease-and-desist order.

  2. hey about time you posted again! :P

    keep up the good work and keep the posts coming! XD
